
Thursday, June 28, 2012

The Good Report Take 5

So today I'm not really in the mood to write a good report but I suppose the days that you don't want to be thankful are the ones that we really should try. Here goes!

  • Ben got an unexpected day off today so it looks like we get to spend the day together! 
  • The bassinet is set up and ready for a little baby, I can't believe that something is actually done!
  • The weather is absolutely perfect today, 18 degrees and sunny with a nice breeze.
  • My cousin found sugar free popsicles for me and they taste amazing! I've been indulging like crazy!
  • It's almost JULY!
  • The horrible humidity we had earlier on in the week seems to be gone, thank God! 
  • Now that the humidity has subsided so has my swelling.
  • I only have 9 more shifts of work left, I couldn't be more excited to be done.
  • We have been down a vehicle for the past few days but my mom has been such a help with giving me rides.
  • Still loving all the movement I get to feel throughout the day, what a treat.
  • Starting to feel prepared now that we are full swing into our birth classes and we have appointments more often with either the midwife or our doula.
  • So thankful for every good night sleep that I get! 
That's all I can muster for the day but it sure does help to focus on the good. I'm off to enjoy this beautiful day! 

Monday, June 25, 2012

34 weeks!

Our cantaloupe is now weighing about 4lbs 13oz and is still about 17inches long. I can't believe how much weight the little one is putting on every day. I can definitely feel that the room is getting squishier in there. At this point all my pregnancy apps recommended talking to the baby because he or she can hear really well now. I feel kind of bad, I haven't done that at all the poor little one isn't even going to know who I am after birth. I guess I should start talking! 

Pregnancy Symptoms:
Movement is still strong and I'm feeling it on more and more of a constant basis. I love feeling all the pushes and mini punches from inside me and I know that I'm really going to miss feeling all the movement once the baby is out. I think this week I may have had my first feelings of being ready to be done. I'm  still not feeling pain but I was just hit with the excitement of actually meeting the baby, and SOON! I can't believe that the birth is roughly only 6 weeks away.
 Ohhh I do have one symptom that is most definitely notable. I've developed some slight swelling. We had some really nice warm weather here the last couple days and I think my body is responding, my hands have gotten a bit on the puffy side and by night time my feet look just a little fat. It's not a concern at this stage, just normal pregnancy stuff and I still have my 'goal' of wearing my wedding ring till July at least so I just have to make it one more week! 
Sleeping is still fabulous with the slight exception that our room is so hot that I just lie on top of the covers, I don't know what I'm going to do when it gets even hotter as there is only a certain amount one can undress to... bring on the fans! 

Life Happenings:
I had another midwife appointment this week. This one was actually a home visit, it was really nice, I didn't even have to leave my house! At this appointment we talked a lot about procedures that we may or may not want done at the birth and it really struck me just how close we really are. I just can't believe that we're at 34 weeks! One more appointment and then we move to WEEKLY ones! Baby is still head down (WOOHOO) and my uterus is growing at EXACTLY the proper rate (YAY) so she was quite pleased. 
We have now attended 2 birth classes and I'm really liking all that we're learning. I really feel like this is helping us prepare for what's to come and there is so much more to learn in the weeks to come. Last week for about half an hour of the class I got to lie down with pillows and try to sleep while Ben massaged me- no complaints here! 
This past week I also started a prenatal yoga class. This is something that I've been interested in for about 4 months and just haven't taken the time to research a class to go to, so when another pregnant friend suggested I come with her to the class she's going to I decided to take her up on it. Wow does it feel good! I felt a little stiff the day after but man did those stretches just make me feel like I was the strongest woman in the world after! I also couldn't believe how well I've been sleeping since the first class. I wasn't even having problems before with sleep but I have been sleeping SOOO soundly since. 
This week I really kicked up my reading as well. I"m almost through this book and I have a couple more that I want to make sure I an get through in the next couple weeks. I've been blown away at how great Ina May's book is and although there is the odd thing that she says that I would disagree with, she is incredibly wise and has A LOT of experience to back up all that she says. 
So I am now at 3 weeks left of work! That's 99 massages and 12 shifts! At this point I'm just getting really excited to be done. I still enjoy going to work but the thought of having all day to get things done and to prepare is just exhilarating to me! There is one thing about my job that I'm going to miss though, and that is the air conditioning (our house does not have this luxury). If I can work up the courage to wear a bathing suit I may just end up living at the outdoor pools for the last month...

Weekly Highlight:
A friend from college came into town this weekend and called me up for a visit. It was SOOO nice to see her again since it had been at least 4 months. We sat outside and visited for 3 hours and although I now have a wicked burn, it was so worth it to catch up and visit. I love seeing old friends! 

The 34 week bump. Believe me it is growing by the day! 

And because I like to add one of my current baby, here's Rose on her way from the Vet, full of treats and happy! 

Thursday, June 21, 2012

The Good Report Take 4

Today's good report is dedicated to my dear husband Ben in honour of this week being our anniversary. I will have no problem whatsoever coming up with a list about him! 
  • Ben is such a hard worker. For example he will be working 15(!) hour days the next 5 days, including the weekend! 
  • He takes his role of providing for us very seriously.
  • He cares about his friends.
  • He loves animals so incredibly much, he could just sit holding Rose for hours and hours.
  • He's nifty with tools and can fix things, he fixed our bed and made it good as new!
  • He's willing and seems excited about attending our birth class.
  • He enjoys going with me to my midwife appointments and is sad when he has to miss one. 
  • He is tender hearted.
  • He likes spending time outdoors.
  • He likes spending time with me. 
  • He has big dreams
  • He is generous. 
  • He is stylish :)
  • He is kind.
  • He can be quiet in a group, he only says something that's worth saying.
  • He enjoys spending time with my family.
  • He is thoughtful.
  • He is gentle. 
I could go on and on and on...
I love him!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

2 Years...

Monday was our 2 year anniversary. It's hard to believe that it's been 2 years. Time has flown by in a sense and yet it feels like we've been together for forever. So far I can honestly say that each year has gotten better and better. I'm excited for that trend to continue. This upcoming year we are sure in for some changes, I can't wait wait to see where we're at next year.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

33 Weeks!

Our PINEAPPLE(!) is weighing about 4lbs 6oz and is roughly 17inches long!!! All of a sudden that feels really heavy and really long! You hear of babies being born that size... Developmentally the little one is still just growing and filling out, I'm pretty excited to see the chubby little guy or girl in roughly 7 weeks! eeeeek!!!

Pregnancy Symptoms:
Pretty much just growing and growing. The movements feel more and more like this babe is trying to stretch his or her way out not as much like kicks or punches anymore. I'm still really comfortable and not having much notable pain, something I am so thankful for! I really hope that this keeps up and that my being able to sleep keeps up too, it feels so great to have undisturbed sleep, I don't know how some women cope with life when they can't sleep but have to work and keep up with life.

Life Happenings:
 We started our childbirth education class last week and I'm pretty excited to see what we'll learn over the next 9 weeks. Ben is pretty excited too, I think he is ready to feel like he's prepared for what's going to happen in a very short time....I sure hope that I get to the point of feeling prepared as well...I suppose you can only prepare to a certain extent and then you just have to go with it.
Ben hurt his knee on Sunday playing basketball and has been confined to the couch. He has a chronic recurring knee problem that he really needs to go for surgery for. It's usually pretty ok but every once in a while he tweaks it and misses a day of work or so, it's the pits. I feel so badly for him. I had to help carry him into the house, probably not the best thing for 7 1/2 month pregnant girl to do. Hopefully he'll be feeling better sooner rather than later.
On a totally different note, only 4 more weeks of work, that's 132 massages and 16 shifts! I can't believe how quickly everything is going. It's going to be hard to say goodbye to my clients but I really am looking forward to a year off, especially since I hopefully get to spend that year with a precious little baby! My due date is less than 50 days away now. I'm still waiting for time to slow down, but it just doesn't seem to want to.

Weekly Highlight:
Spending father's day evening with my dad on Sunday was so great. I feel so blessed to have a man in my life like him. He is so wise, has more integrity than any man I know and took raising us kids VERY seriously! I love how he loves being outdoors, going for canoeing, camping and hiking trips, he stays active, and is an incredibly hard worker. I couldn't imagine how I would have turned out without his guiding me. I hope I get to spend many more father's days with him!

33 weeks.

The cake I made for my dad for father's day. It was a buttermilk, red velvet cake with cream cheese icing. I even had was sooo worth it!


Thursday, June 14, 2012

My Favourite... Meal

I've never been a breakfast person. Growing up I NEVER ate anything before school, I remember my mom trying to force us to at least drink one glass of milk before going to school and I would rarely choke it down (it doesn't help that I HATE milk). I don't know why but I never had an appetite in the morning, I'm pretty sure my metabolism was just so out of whack due to the way I fed my body. By lunch time I would be famished, but since I never packed much of a lunch, I usually wouldn't eat much until after school, when I would get home and STUFF MY FACE. It was a horrible way to treat my body.

Since getting pregnant I have made a 180 degree turn in my eating habits. Well to be honest since getting the GDM diagnosis I have made a 180 degree turn. Not only has my body been requiring me to eat on a more regular basis but I have chosen to eat 'right' in order to provide this baby with the best possible nutrients for healthy growth. It's funny how a little training can really change a person. Now, I wake up and the first thing on my mind is breakfast. My stomach is growling and I can't wait to get downstairs and get started on my morning breakfast routine. I like to start off with a warm glass of water with lemon (this is a new addition to my routine, I would encourage you all to look up the benefits!) then I wait for 1 hour and only then do I begin my breakfast preparations, I generally switch up what I eat but it usually consists of something along the lines of a couple hard boiled eggs, a plate of salad and mixed berries with plain greek yoghurt, or perhaps a spinach smoothie with fruit, spinach and yoghurt, sometimes it's some rye crackers with cheese and cucumbers with a fruit and eggs on the side. I like to know that I have options. I also try to make sure I drink at least 20 oz of water during my breakfast to kick-start my water drinking for the day.
I find it funny that the meal that never had a hold on me growing up has now become the one that I look forward to the most. It feels so good to fuel my body for the day and to know that what I'm eating is good for both of us. :) 

Here's a quick snapshot of my breakfast today. A tossed salad with balsamic vinaigrette, plain greek yoghurt with some vanilla extract, stevia and strawberries and blueberries, and 2 eggs. 

And here's an example of another delicious breakfast. 

My green smoothie. Not quite as appealing to the eyes, but the taste is not half bad and it has nearly 2 CUPS of spinach! 

All this breakfast talk has made me a little sad that I'm done for today and have to wait until tomorrow to have breakfast again! 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Good Report Take 3

The Good Report:

  • The birds chirping outside my window. I'm so glad that I'm a heavy sleeper and that ambient noises don't bother me.
  • It's beautiful outside without being too hot yet.
  • Pinterest- always something to keep me occupied.
  • I know I mentioned it last time but that I have Thursdays and Fridays off!!!
  • I live in a city with a beautiful river running through it. Saskatoon really is GORGEOUS in the summer time.
  • Our childbirth classes start today. Bring on being prepared! 
  • I have more energy than I've had in weeks, pretty cool.
  • I am so thankful for the support that we receive from our family in every little way.
  • I can't get over how amazing it is to not have coin laundry anymore! No more getting rolls of loonies and quarters from the bank! It's been over 5 months since we had coin laundry and I still think about it on a very regular basis. 
  • Good friends! 

Sunday, June 10, 2012

32 Weeks!

Our coconut is now weighing around 3 lbs 9 ounces and is roughly 16.5 inches in length. Can you believe that at this point our baby has started growing hair on their little head?! I'm curious to see how much he or she has at birth. Both Ben and I were pretty bald so I'm not banking on much. It is also interesting to note that if this little one is a boy his testicles have or are currently making their descent into the scrotum....neat fact... They also say that babies born at this point in pregnancy have a  really good chance of survival and usually grow up with minimal side effects from their early arrival. Of course I'd still be more comfortable with another 8 or so weeks of baking this little bun. Who knows what the future holds! 

Pregnancy Symptoms:
Still feeling fabulous! Breathing is getting a little more cumbersome, I'm looking forward to this little one dropping a little and relieving the pressure on my diaphragm.
I had another midwife appointment this week and everything looks great, baby is still head down, at this point the midwife said that it is possible but highly unlikely that the baby will flip. So it looks like the baby is set and ready to go. Only a few more appointments before this baby will be here!
Had another appointment with the dietitian again and everything is still going well. I feel so lucky that I've been able to control this through diet. I even allowed myself to cheat tonight when Ben and I were out on a date night and had ice cream and my sugars were still within the normal range!
Movement is still getting stronger and stronger. It's even slightly painful every once and a while, still the coolest feeling in the world!!!

Life Happenings:
Only 5 more weeks of work left! That's 20 shifts, 165 massages! I'm now starting to really really look forward to being off work. During this past week I got to the point where I just felt ready to be done.
Ben is one week into his new job and he is loving it! He has worked overtime every day so far but it's really nice that he has steady work, he actually appreciates the extra hours. I do hope overtime won't continue forever though, the poor guy will tire himself out. He's out the door by 6:30am and I'm lucky if he's home by 6:00pm.
We haven't had much time for much other than work lately. Ben has been pretty sore and calloused from all the new things that he has to do for work so we've been taking it easy and going to bed nice and early, I love it!

Weekly Highlight:
I have really enjoyed my morning routine that I blogged about here. It feels really good getting up and not feeling rushed.
Also the ice cream I had tonight was AMAZING!

Here is the 32 week belly!

This week I thought I'd show you a different view as well. As you can see it's slightly uneven. THe baby is mainly lying on the right side, it's definitely where I feel the majority of the movement.

Friday, June 8, 2012

My Favourite... Time of Day

I have a new favourite time of  day. It may only remain my fav for a week or it may be a lifelong love, who knows. Here is a detailed account of my favourite time of day for those that care...

  • Our alarm wakes us up at 5:50am
  • We let the snooze go once or twice, up by 6:10am
  • Ben get's his coffee made and lunch ready
  • I prepare my warm water and lemon concoction
  • Ben leaves for work- this part usually includes a goodbye kiss
  • I take my lemon water and the dog and head upstairs
  • I remake the bed
  • I get into the newly remade bed
  • I sip on my lemon water leisurely
  • I spend the next hour perusing the world wide inter web, like blogs, pinterest, anything that catches my fancy. 
  • After my hour of bliss, so around 7:30am life begins and I have to get up and eat breakfast, shower and all those blah parts of morning. 
Boy do I love that hour of 'me time' 

Here is Rose enjoying our morning together. She likes to jump into the pile of pillows and just sit right behind me snoring like a baby. 

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The Good Report Take Two

So my idea to make a list weekly of what I'm grateful for never really panned out. I think it's time to climb back up on the horse and give it another try, don't you!?

The Good Report:

  • I am ever so thankful for the sun, and summer weather.
  • Fresh fruits and veggies that are in season, delish and reasonably priced. 
  • A dog who is fully house trained! She has been perfect at home for six months but still had the odd incident when we took her to my parents.
  • Each and every meal of the day, oh I how I look forward to eating these days! 
  • Ben has started his new job and he's busy and loving it.
  • I have Thursdays and Fridays off work, need I say more.
  • The little kicks and punches from our baby, they are so gentle, I wonder what this little one will be like on the outside.
  • I think nesting is kicking in, something I've been eagerly anticipating!
Well that's it for this week, who knows when the inclination to remember the good in life will hit me again. Hopefully sooner rather than later. There is SOOO much to be thankful for! 

Sunday, June 3, 2012

31 Weeks!

So another week has flown by and we're at 31 weeks. I'm starting to think that the next 6-11 weeks aren't going to slow down as I've been anticipating. This morning as I type this update I'm sitting outside in the sun drinking my nettle tea. It doesn't seem to taste as bad in nice weather....Bring on the summer! 

Our baby is weighing in at about 3lb 5oz and 16in long. His or her weight would be roughly equivalent to 4 navel oranges....Apparently in the coming weeks he or she will be heading into a growth spurt and each day more and more weight is being packed onto that little frame. At this stage the eyes are actually able to dilate in response to light, how cool!? 

Pregnancy Symptoms:
Still quiet on the symptoms front. Belly is growing. Movement is pretty much the coolest feeling in the entire world, I'm quite certain that I'm going to miss all the little punches and kicks once I am no longer 'with child'. My breathing has definitely not gotten easier. Ben always thinks that I'm mad at him because I tend to breath really deeply and let out a loud sigh but really I'm just trying to get oxygen into my lungs, the only positions I'm able to breath comfortably is lying on my side or standing. One of these days I also want to count how many times a day I have to pee, it is pretty unbelievable, but at least not painful just a nuisance. Still not much pain, I had a little bit of low back pain by the end of my shift on Saturday, but nothing that doesn't go away after a nights sleep. I'm still feeling mighty blessed at how great I'm feeling! 

Life Happenings:
Life has been good and busy. I worked another full 40 hour week this week and I picked up another shift next week so I'll have one more week of almost full time before going down to 33 hours a week for the last 5 weeks. I'm finding that when I'm at work the days just fly by. Every day that I have off feels so nice and long. I'm getting excited to be off work and to have some time to relax and prepare for what's to come. Hopefully the baby waits till later than 37 weeks since that's when I'm working till and I sure could use at least a couple weeks of prep time. 
Ben is starting a brand new job TOMORROW. He is so excited and can't wait to get into something different. He will still be working evenings and weekends wrapping up some loose ends with his company but by the end of June he should be working a normal 9-5 Monday to Friday job and we are both so ready for it!
Did I mention that I'm loving the summer weather! Man I'm glad it's June!

Weekly Highlight:
Most definitely moving back home after spending a month living with my parents. It was great to be there and we really appreciated it since we didn't have access to our house for that whole time, but by the end of the month I was ready to move home. It's just nice having ALL of your clothes again, and having free range of my kitchen again. (Not that I didn't appreciate all the AMAZING meals my mom prepared for us). It's also nice to be able to have people over again. Last night we had a barbecue with some friends and the night before a poker night. We really enjoy hosting and it was nice to be able to again.

Here is the 31 week bump, growing by the day!

On a walk with my brother, sister-in-law, hubster and of course the dogs. It was the most beautiful day ever and if I hadn't have worn stupid shoes that gave me blisters it would have been absolutely perfect!

I thought I'd show an example of what my diet looks like these days. A plain bbq'd chicken breast, a spinach salad with oil and vinegar, and plain yogurt, a little added vanilla extract and blueberries and raspberries...yum!