
Friday, May 6, 2011

Mood Swing Friday

If I had a doc following me around today I'm pretty sure there would have been two conclusions made;
1. how creepy that would be and
2. that I am bipolar.

Let me explain.....
This morning I woke up with a smile on my face...well that's not quite true but by the time I'd had my cup of coffee I was about as close to smiling as one can be while doing ones make-up. I even annoyed the receptionist at work by saying 'good morning' in too cheerful of a way... My point is that I was in a really good mood. Anyways, this jolly attitude continued through my first 2 massages, however after my second massage I was informed that my next client had cancelled...last! In about 3 seconds I went from very very happy to not quite as happy. I sat around during the next while, my mood slightly dampened, I wasn't too disappointed though, I sat and read my book. As the time approached for my next client I eagerly waited for his arrival, he's a regular and it's always an enjoyable time. However, the time for his treatment came and went with no sign of him. My mood once again took a tumble... To make a long story This same thing happened with one more of my clients today. So out of my 7 clients booked I only ended up with 4. For all the readers out there please please please take note, it's really important to make it to your appointments and if you can't, call and cancel as soon as you know!

Anyways, now that I'm home and have had some time to chill I realize that if I let my mood be determined by others I'm never going to have a day without mood swings. My goal is to let that morning smile last all day and I encourage the rest of you to try that as well, life is good!
That is all!

Sunday, May 1, 2011


I have a new book to add to my book club!
Tina Fey has just come out with a book and it is fabulous!
I picked up Bossypants about a week ago and it's quite funny. If you enjoy Tina Fey's quirky sense of humour in 30 Rock or SNL I guarantee you'll enjoy this read.