
Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Diet What?/ Inspiration!

So the start of today's post is pretty vain and self centered but it's something that's been quite strong in my mind lately. Since getting married only 3 short months ago, I can feel myself getting, how do I put this....wider... I can't fit 95% of my pants and up until now all I've done is complained about it. Luckily Friday morning something changed. I can't put my finger on the exact moment but all of a sudden I had a burst of motivation and I wrote up a new meal plan for myself, cutting out the things that were obviously harmful to my health, not to mention my figure. It's only been 5 days but already I'm starting to feel better. I haven't seen a shift in my shape, however, I'm starting to feel less of a draw to eat junk because I have nothing else to do. (yes I do that all the time! Isn't that disgusting!) I've replaced my mid-afternoon pasta dishes with a grapefruit or some assorted veggies. I really hope that I can break my addiction to highly processed, highly refined food and I guess writing about it for everyone to read will help me to be kept accountable!

Something else that I've been thinking about lately is how much better I want to be! Yes I can change my body with a bit of mind over matter, but who I am and my attitude towards people is a much harder fix, in fact it's impossible without the strength of God. This past Saturday I was at the funeral of Ken Rutherford, a pastor from here in Saskatoon, as sad as the funeral was at the loss of Ken it was so encouraging to see how many lives he touched and how he truly loved everyone with the love of Christ. I'm really encouraged to with God's help, work on that and I encourage everyone to do the same. What kind of a legacy do you want to leave behind? Do you want to be remembered as Impatient, Selfish, Gluttonous, Rude, Angry or would you rather be remembered as Loving, Selfless, Caring, Patient, Kind, Generous, Joyful. Adventurous- I know I do! I am so thankful for Ken and his amazing example to the rest of us!

Friday, September 17, 2010

What's New?

Well I don't really have anything to say but I figured it was time to at least say something. So be prepared for some ramblings!

So today marks the first day of my midterm break, a week off from school, pretty much a life saver right now. Quite honestly I'm finding it hard keeping my motivation strong but knowing that I only have 53 actual school days left keeps things in perspective. Its crazy how fast the time has gone, and on the other hand how much has happened in the time that I've been in school, ie. getting engaged and married! Boy does a week off feel great though!

Exiting news!!! It seems as everyone close to me is in the midst of exciting times! My dear bud Britni is getting married, and another close friend, Allison is ready to pop out a baby! Hopefully in the next months I'll get to live vicariously through both of them! (You both better let me help out!)

In other totally boring news, Ben made me watch "The Prestige" with him last night, which, don't get me wrong is an awesome movie, but making me watch it at 9:30 is just a bad idea. I'm pretty sure I caught the beginning and end of it for about the 5th time. I think I'll make my new years resolution for 2011 a little early....ahemmm.... "I declare to stay awake in any movie that I attempt to watch!" So now I ask you dear 4 friends, or whoever actually reads this, please hold me to this and make sure I stay awake in future movie watchings! I am really tired of not knowing what happens in the middle of movies, and I'm pretty sure it's annoying to whomever I'm watching with to make them fill in the gigantic plot holes that are inevitable when you only see 30% of the movie.

I can't say I have to much more to say so I guess that will be it for now, so in the words of my little sister, "bye bye bumheads!"

Saturday, July 3, 2010


One of my favourite genre of movies/shows are those that involve superhero's and superpowers. The thought of being able to walk through a wall or drink someone's blood(?) is kind of exciting, right? I've always considered my superpower my sense of smell. There have been countless times that my mom would get me to take a whiff in the fridge to find the rotten item, usually itemS. I've generally considered this a positive ability, especially since I work selling perfume, but today I was reminded of a way in which my power is, to put it bluntly, THE PITS! Today I experienced what I think is probably the closest to a panic attack that I've ever had. Let me start at the beginning....

So Ben and I have a closet-room thingy right inside the front door, we had pretty much filled it up with bottles and yesterday we got a deep freeze so all the bottles had to be taken out. Ben conveniently went golfing today and asked me to take the bottles to Sarcan while he was gone. I agreed because I am a loving wife and quite honestly I had forgotten how awful the experience is.

Anyways, I'm probably making a bigger deal about this than it really is, and honestly I'm not a diva, but the smell in that place is horible! The second I walked in I wanted to walk out... I spent the entire time breathing through my mouth until I could eventually taste the mix of pop, alcohol, saliva, and who knows what else. The cart I grabbed for our bottles was COVERED in the remains from the previous 500 users. As I stood in line, my upper lip started to sweat, I began to feel itchy all over and my breathing became laboured. That was basically the whole experience, I know it sounds silly but it really was terrible... The worst of it all was that I didn't get the $50 that Ben had promised we'd get back, but $13, a bit of a disapointment...

Sooooo, FYI please don't ask me to return your bottles to the Sarcan....

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Let's Give This a Whirl!

Hello all...whomever 'all' may be, and welcome to Solveig's Blog!

So I have recently decided that maybe everyone for last 20 years have not been wrong and perhaps it is I who has been living in denial. So here it is, my public confession... I am a drama queen, and I also have a tendancy to exagerate. This is a hard thing for me to admit, seeing as I've always desired to be down to earth, realistic, and level headed. But the truth of the matter is that I live in a world of drama, I have a wild imagination, and I thrive off of blowing things out of proportion. I'm always on one end of the spectrum, whether that is, and I quote, "I hate my life!", or the polar opposite, "I love everything and everyone!".

Now I`m not saying that I like being like this or that I think I`m justified in my ways, I`m just saying that this is how I see myself today. One of my goals for this blog is to learn who I am. To be perfectly frank I don`t care all that much who reads this. If I learn just one thing about who I am in every post I write, then I`ve reached my goal. Having said that, everyone is more than welcome along for the ride!