
Thursday, January 30, 2014

Days 2 and 3 of juice cleanse.

Day 2

I was pretty encouraged waking up after 1 day of juicing and having lost 1.4 pounds. I'm sure it was all water weight but it's still nice to see. After that day 2 went downhill.... I craved junk food ALLL day, and then to make matters worse we went to a waffle making party with a bunch of friends. In hindsight I should have just stayed home, it was torture to sit there watching while everyone sat around eating my favourite food however I stayed strong!

Day 3

I woke up feeling great today. I lost an even 2 pounds since yesterday making my total for the first 2 days 3.4 pounds. My cravings were essentially gone today and I actually enjoyed my juices. I had lots of energy and even endured a 1.5 hour yoga session without feeling gross.

Due to how amazing I feel I've decided to keep going. I don't know how long I'll go for but I felt like 3 days was just enough to get used to it. I'm aiming for a week, we'll see....

Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Day 1 Juice Cleanse

1 day down, 2 to go. Today has been a bit of a roller coaster. I woke up bright and early at 6:30 and drank my lemon water while I juiced my 5 juices for the day. Having them made so early was a huge help I think. My morning juice was pretty disgusting... the beet and carrot combination was strange and I had to force it down.

Instantly following my breakfast I got a headache. It was in no way unbearable, just sort of nagging. I drank a ton of water and peed every 5 minutes for the remainder of the morning. By lunch time I really felt done. I didn't want to do this anymore. It's strange how powerful the detox can be. I was SOOO pumped to get started with this and 1 juice in and I'm ready to call it quits! Luckily I powered through and drank my lunch juice. It was ok, not great but decent.

Within 10 minutes of drinking my lunch I felt AMAZING! My headache was gone, I had a new burst of energy and I actually really enjoyed my walk to work. The afternoon raced by as I had a fully booked day and by the time I got home I was excited for my supper. Thankfully Ben had fed Elliotte supper before I got home so I didn't have to battle with the temptation of food. I've had my supper now, (I skipped my dessert as I don't feel like I need it) and I'm chugging water to try to keep that headache from returning.

All in all I feel like day 1 was a success. I've made my juices for tomorrow and I'm excited to see what the day brings!

Monday, January 27, 2014

Preparation Day...

Tomorrow is the day... I have shopped and washed and chopped I am ready to start! I'm not super confident that I'll actually be able to complete the cleanse. I'm going for 3 days and we'll see how I actually do...

Over the course of the next three days I will be following a pretty strict juice diet. When I wake up I drink 2 cups of hot water with fresh lemon, then a juice for breakfast. Mid morning 16 oz of coconut water. At lunch there is another juice and then another mid afternoon. Supper will be another juice and then there is an optional dessert juice. All of these juices are made of various fruits and vegetables and the odd herb.

I'm anticipating seeing a slight weight loss, my skin clear up, an energy boost, an improvement in digestion and all around feeling of wellness.

I'll check back in tomorrow to let ya'll know how Day 1 went!

Saturday, January 25, 2014

A new journey

I'm beginning a journey. I'm not certain where it will lead but I'm ready to take some steps.

Over the past few years I have felt a desire to pursue a healthy life. I know that this is in no way an original pursuit but, whatever... I have made some strides and had a ton of setbacks and now I'm really craving, like physically CRAVING a dramatic and lasting change. I have always been the type who either exercises seven times a week, or I sit on my bum watching tv and eating junk, I have no concept of moderation. I'm ready to find the balance.

 I want to be someone who lives a healthy life not because I'm on a health kick but because it's how I live. I want my daughter to grow up with a mother who is not a serial dieter. A culmination of things have brought me to this point of desperation and I'm ready to just dive in. 

I have chosen 3 things that I'm going to add to my life in order to work towards my goals.

1.) I have joined a yoga studio and will be attending 2 times a week.
2.) I have started running again and will be working towards being able to complete a half marathon.
3.) I will juice once a day. I have been so sporadic lately and need to get back into doing it daily. Elliotte LOVES juice so it's really a WIN WIN.... on that note....

To kick things off I am embarking on a juice cleanse....I know, it sounds scary...  I'm going to try to reboot my system by not eating and only juicing for a few days. I will have more details later.
