
Saturday, January 25, 2014

A new journey

I'm beginning a journey. I'm not certain where it will lead but I'm ready to take some steps.

Over the past few years I have felt a desire to pursue a healthy life. I know that this is in no way an original pursuit but, whatever... I have made some strides and had a ton of setbacks and now I'm really craving, like physically CRAVING a dramatic and lasting change. I have always been the type who either exercises seven times a week, or I sit on my bum watching tv and eating junk, I have no concept of moderation. I'm ready to find the balance.

 I want to be someone who lives a healthy life not because I'm on a health kick but because it's how I live. I want my daughter to grow up with a mother who is not a serial dieter. A culmination of things have brought me to this point of desperation and I'm ready to just dive in. 

I have chosen 3 things that I'm going to add to my life in order to work towards my goals.

1.) I have joined a yoga studio and will be attending 2 times a week.
2.) I have started running again and will be working towards being able to complete a half marathon.
3.) I will juice once a day. I have been so sporadic lately and need to get back into doing it daily. Elliotte LOVES juice so it's really a WIN WIN.... on that note....

To kick things off I am embarking on a juice cleanse....I know, it sounds scary...  I'm going to try to reboot my system by not eating and only juicing for a few days. I will have more details later.


1 comment:

  1. I have started on the same pursuit in different ways :) I'm interested to hear how it goes for you!

    Take care and good luck!
