
Friday, September 17, 2010

What's New?

Well I don't really have anything to say but I figured it was time to at least say something. So be prepared for some ramblings!

So today marks the first day of my midterm break, a week off from school, pretty much a life saver right now. Quite honestly I'm finding it hard keeping my motivation strong but knowing that I only have 53 actual school days left keeps things in perspective. Its crazy how fast the time has gone, and on the other hand how much has happened in the time that I've been in school, ie. getting engaged and married! Boy does a week off feel great though!

Exiting news!!! It seems as everyone close to me is in the midst of exciting times! My dear bud Britni is getting married, and another close friend, Allison is ready to pop out a baby! Hopefully in the next months I'll get to live vicariously through both of them! (You both better let me help out!)

In other totally boring news, Ben made me watch "The Prestige" with him last night, which, don't get me wrong is an awesome movie, but making me watch it at 9:30 is just a bad idea. I'm pretty sure I caught the beginning and end of it for about the 5th time. I think I'll make my new years resolution for 2011 a little early....ahemmm.... "I declare to stay awake in any movie that I attempt to watch!" So now I ask you dear 4 friends, or whoever actually reads this, please hold me to this and make sure I stay awake in future movie watchings! I am really tired of not knowing what happens in the middle of movies, and I'm pretty sure it's annoying to whomever I'm watching with to make them fill in the gigantic plot holes that are inevitable when you only see 30% of the movie.

I can't say I have to much more to say so I guess that will be it for now, so in the words of my little sister, "bye bye bumheads!"

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