The other day I went back in the archives and read all about my pregnancy, birth and the first months of Elliotte's life. Something in me has been in the mood to reminisce I guess. I know that this is an exciting time as well but I have no way of looking back and seeing that because I don't document anything! So I figured, maybe it's time for an update!
Elliotte is almost 19 months old, YIKES! The older she gets the more I'm seeing that the baby stage is quickly vanishing and more importantly, that I'm thrilled to see it go. Oh at the time I did enjoy it, but now that Elliotte is a toddler I am obsessed with her, (ok, maybe I was then too...) I just find her so much easier, I love not having to carry her everywhere, or spoon feed her, and the list goes on.... I'm also quite convinced that she's the smartest kid to ever exist but I'm told I'm biased.
I think one of the main reasons that I love this age is that she can talk! If she wants a snack, she tells me, if she needs to poop, she tells me, the list goes on. She is quite the chatterbox, as I'm sure all 19 month olds are, she likes to grab a diaper and pretend to put it on her doll as she talks to her soothingly, it's the cutest. She also talks A LOT about the twins. She is BABY CRAZY, she wakes up saying "baby, baby, Tali sad?, babiesssss". She's in a phase where she's very aware of sadness. Every time the babies cry she states, "babies sad", she loves to turn in her favourite book, Babar to the pages where Babar is crying and say, "Babar sad". I guess she's started to recognize sadness in herself so she can now see it in others, on that note...
TANTRUMS A few months ago we entered tantrum land and there is no end in site. It's almost comical how when she decides to tantrum she just flops onto the ground like her bones just dissolved in her body. We're trying our best to just ignore them which seems to work. I'd say that if we ignore them, if she's not too tired she forgets she's mad within 2 minutes. I'm nervous for how I'll react when we're in public and she decides she's angry, it's bound to happen.
Life is so good. There are many days where I think to myself that life really couldn't get any better. I know that's not actually true, but it's nice to know that I'm content where we are. I think for me, getting a full night's sleep has been key, along with exercise. The first half of this winter I was down in the dumps, worse than I've ever had it before, but just since the new year, life seems to be turning around. God is so good, and gracious!
Date night's have been crucial! |
Getting outside is always a treat for Ellie, she hates coming back in. |
She LOVES going to the library! |
This is a juice-stache from one of the juices I made, she thought it was pretty funny. |
She's such a lounger.
The other day she was on Ben's shoulders and she just started to massage his scalp on her own, hilarious!
Love the update! The picture of you and Ellie outside with your matching furry hoods is so cute.