So, I have had this ready since Sunday but had no belly picture. I still have no belly picture and since it's already Wednesday I'll just post the update and add a picture when there is one to add.
Our honeydew melon is roughly 5lbs 4oz and measuring around 18 inches long. The kidneys are fully developed and the liver has already started processing waste products. All of the basic physical development are mostly complete, all that's left is putting on weight and maybe some maturation of the lungs! How cool!
Pregnancy Symptoms:
Well I made it July still wearing my rings! I know it's not important but it was a little goal I made for myself and I like to achieve my goals (even when I don't have any control over what's happening...)!
Still feeling lots of movement. I know movement is supposed to start decreasing slightly in the upcoming weeks, but so far it's still pretty hardcore. There are times that I literally could grab onto what I'm assuming is a foot sticking out my side. I can't believe that there are only a few weeks left until this little baby will be wiggling around and kicking on the outside...crazy...
I still feel really great. I do think that the baby has dropped slightly because Ben seems to think that I now have a pronounced waddle and I do feel a bit like a duck when I'm walking around. Breathing has also become somewhat easier, so I'm sure the baby isn't pushing up on my diaphragm like he or she was in the past.
Another notable change are these Braxton Hicks contractions. They used to come a few times a day and weren't very intense, now they seem to be pretty constant and can almost be considered painful at times. Hopefully this means that they are doing something and preparing my body for real labour which will most likely happen anytime between 2-7 weeks from now! (I'm hoping for closer to the 7 weeks) woohoo.
Life Happenings:
Only 2 more weeks of work. That's 8 shifts and 66 massages!!! I'm getting as close to counting down the seconds as someone can get without literally doing it. I just can't wait to be off work so that I can have an afternoon nap, it seems every day around 2PM I just NEED to lie down for a bit, I'm definitely looking forward to being able to have those naps in just a couple weeks!
We met with our doula today and it was pretty exciting just talking over all the things that are going to be happening. I feel so blessed to be able to have this amazing women join us in our adventure. I trust her whole heartedly and I know Ben feels good knowing that there's another set of hands that will be there to help out. I've known her my whole life and there is no one else I'd rather have join us (along with the medical professionals as well of course).
Speaking of medical professionals, we now have weekly appointments with our midwife. It seems pretty crazy that there are only roughly 5 more appointments left!
Our birth classes are going really well, every week we get more and more prepared and it's nice to get together with other people that are going through the same things that we are, not to mention it helps to see a bunch of pregnant women, I don't feel so huge and awkward when I'm around them. At our last class we watched an extremely graphic video of women giving birth squatting and I think it traumatized Ben a little...He was such a good sport though and managed to watch the whole thing without looking away, I was very proud. :)
Ben has been working like crazy lately. Usually 12 hours a day at least, he's still wrapping up his painting jobs as well as working more than full time plumbing, he's even going in on weekends. I can't wait to have him home at a decent hour and for him to not be so overworked. I am proud of how hard he works though!
I finally feel like we're getting things that we need, slowly and steadily.
Weekly Highlight:
This week was fairly uneventful. Last Monday I had a girls night with some friends which was really pleasant! A couple of the girls I don't get to see very often, and it was nice to spend an evening catching up. Good friends are so important and I feel lucky to have the ones that I do!
I finally feel like we're getting things that we need, slowly and steadily.
Weekly Highlight:
This week was fairly uneventful. Last Monday I had a girls night with some friends which was really pleasant! A couple of the girls I don't get to see very often, and it was nice to spend an evening catching up. Good friends are so important and I feel lucky to have the ones that I do!
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