
Wednesday, July 18, 2012

37 Weeks, hello full term!

So I am officially the worst and missed last week! I don't know what got into me I just didn't finish the post, not to mention I didn't get a decent picture snapped. This week I am determined to post something even if it is a couple days late. So we have officially come to full term, 37 weeks! I can't believe we are at the 'any day' phase, although I am quite certain this baby will not be here any day...I'm thinking maybe another 4-5 weeks or so, at least I'm hoping so considering how unprepared I feel. 

Size at this point is so relative. Most likely the baby is over 6 lbs and around 20 inches long, about the length of a swiss chard. At this point our little baby's lungs should be ready for the outside world and any extra time that he or she stays inside is just bonus time for growing and fattening up.

Pregnancy Symptoms:
Wow have the practice contractions been coming on strong! Otherwise I'm feeling great, sleeping great and so on. At my midwife appointment last week the baby had dropped and seemed to be sitting in a pretty position for his or her impending trek into the world! It seems I've also developed a little bit of acid reflux when I lie down. Only roughly a month to go! 

Life Happenings:
I'm done work!!!! Saturday was my last day of work and it sure feels great to be done. I was quite touched, everyone brought my favourite snacks and we had a little mini going away party for me. I can't believe I won't be back to work for a whole year. 
My days are now filled with puttering around getting everything ready for the birth, catching up on cleaning and enjoying a nap if I feel like one. Oh, and Rose has been a lucky dog now that she's getting a nice little walk every day. I also try to spend a bit of every day doing some stretches and mini workouts with my exercise ball.
We now only have 4 more birth classes and I'm wondering if we will actually make it to all of them. 
Ben is finally done working both his jobs and is now just working the one. It is so nice to have him home at 6:00 every day! 

Weekly Highlight:
Leaving work after my last shift was probably the highlight of my month so far. Only a few more of these updates before I'll have pictures of our little baby to upload! 

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