
Monday, August 6, 2012

40 Weeks/Full Term!

I can't believe it! The due date is here, the day that has been spinning through my head for close to a year has finally arrived. Still no sign of a baby. Now the baby truly can come whenever he or she decides to, after today I'm considered 'over due' dundundunnnnn.... I think I've finally reached the point of feeling done and wanting this baby out more than in. 

Well our baby is now the size of a pumpkin...oh dear. Most babies born at this stage are somewhere between 5 lbs and 9 lbs, I'm assuming our baby is right in the middle there somewhere, I guess we'll see! The average length for a baby is 20 inches. All the cooking is done and now we just make sure the baby is still doing ok and wait...

Pregnancy Symptoms:
Night time has become my enemy. Last night I totalled 3 hours of sleep... It's the most bizarre thing, I lie in bed totally awake, I have NEVER had this problem before, I have no idea what it is but it's driving me slightly crazy. Maybe today I'll skip the nap and see if I can sleep from the sheer exhaustion. 
I'm getting slightly more crampy and my back is kinda getting sore but otherwise still feel great. I'm still trying to get in at least an hours long walk a day and I'm sure that's contributing to the back pain, but if it's going to prepare my body for labour then BRING IT ON. I also actually really enjoy walking, it always brings the Braxton hicks contractions on hardcore which makes me feel like I'm accomplishing something, who knows...
Oh and let's not forget peeing 200 times a day, I wish I was exaggerating....moving on...
I'll skip all the nasty specific little details of my midwife appointment (this IS the internet after all) but I will say that she said everything looks 'ready to go'. I still don't feel like labour is right around the corner or anything but it's good to know my body is getting ready even if I'm not....

Life Happenings:
Just waiting for the baby and doing everything that we normally do. Ben has been in denial that the baby can technically come anytime. Every time I've mentioned that "maybe this is it" (25000 times per day) he always says "nonsense, it's not even your due date yet". Now he can't say that anymore so maybe he'll have to believe me!
Every night I imagine that 'this will be the night', I don't know why I'm so set on going into labour in the middle of the night.... once again I suppose we'll just have to wait and see... 
I'm getting mighty sick of these updates, I'm looking forward to being able to actually update WITH PICTURES OF A BABY... it is what all this hullaballoo has been about!    
This week I went for a 'labour walk' with my cousin who was due a week and a half before me. She finished the walk off with a castor oil cocktail. Now if you're not aware castor oil has been known to naturally induce labour, however the side effects can be less than desirable, but when you're overdue and desperate I guess you take the good with the very very bad. Anyhoo, she took this cocktail and voila 4 hours later her water broke and 6 hours later her baby girl was born. I must admit that the thought of trying the concoction has entered my mind periodically since her successful experience... We'll see how desperate I'll get...

Weekly Highlight:
I don't know if I have highlights anymore. Every day is just 24 hours of wondering if the sensations I'm feeling are labour. I suppose my naps have been pretty dang good lately.

40 weeks! 

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