Our carrot is measuring about 10.5 inches from head to toe and is weighing about 13oz. The eyebrows are also beginning to form! I think this little gaffer had quite the growth spurt this week, I feel like I've exploded in these last few days. I'm still managing to squeeze into my original work pants but I'm quite certain that I have VERY few days left in those pants. So amazing!
Pregnancy Symptoms:
The growth is still good and constant. This week has definitely been more eventful as far as symptoms go than the last. Thursday evening, so at 20+4 weeks I felt movement for the first time! I was in a massage working on a clients neck and all of a sudden I literally felt like my stomach flipped, right below my belly button. Ever since I have been feeling little flips and twitches, it's the best feeling in the world.
Also, you may remember last week my mentioning that I had pulled my groin, well, I should have knob better and have realized that it's my round ligaments stretching. I had thought that it was too early but apparently not. I have been walking to work and they say that walking can really get the ligaments to start stretching.
Life Happenings:
This week just flew by! Once again I worked all week, but still had some good fun. Tonight we went to a joint birthday party at some friends house. The party was for 6 of our friends as well as Ben. Ben's birthday is coming up on Friday, yay!
Weekly Highlight:
Definitely getting to meet my friend Allison's new baby girl, Norah. She was only a week old, and SOOO little. Newborns are so amazing, they sure don't stay that small for long.
Here is a picture of m 21 week bump.
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