
Saturday, March 24, 2012

21 Week Update!

Our carrot is measuring about 10.5 inches from head to toe and is weighing about 13oz. The eyebrows are also beginning to form! I think this little gaffer had quite the growth spurt this week, I feel like I've exploded in these last few days. I'm still managing to squeeze into my original work pants but I'm quite certain that I have VERY few days left in those pants. So amazing!

Pregnancy Symptoms:
The growth is still good and constant. This week has definitely been more eventful as far as symptoms go than the last. Thursday evening, so at 20+4 weeks I felt movement for the first time! I was in a massage working on a clients neck and all of a sudden I literally felt like my stomach flipped, right below my belly button. Ever since I have been feeling little flips and twitches, it's the best feeling in the world.
Also, you may remember last week my mentioning that I had pulled my groin, well, I should have knob better and have realized that it's my round ligaments stretching. I had thought that it was too early but apparently not. I have been walking to work and they say that walking can really get the ligaments to start stretching.

Life Happenings:
This week just flew by! Once again I worked all week, but still had some good fun. Tonight we went to a joint birthday party at some friends house. The party was for 6 of our friends as well as Ben. Ben's birthday is coming up on Friday, yay!

Weekly Highlight:
Definitely getting to meet my friend Allison's new baby girl, Norah. She was only a week old, and SOOO little. Newborns are so amazing, they sure don't stay that small for long.

Here is a picture of m 21 week bump.

Friday, March 23, 2012

The Good Report.

So I've decided to try a little series here on the blog. I'm only going to commit to 4 weeks, we'll see if it catches on. Ben always likes to call me a pessimist, I on the other hand like to refer to myself as a realist. I think being a realist there is a tendency to focus on the negative and I do see Ben's point, so for the next 4 Fridays I'm going to try to compile a list of all the things in my life worth being happy about.

The Good Report:
  • I am really grateful for a job, one that keeps me really busy.
  • I've been sleeping much better this last week than I had been before.
  • I've finally gotten used to decaf coffee.
  • Very rarely do I want to kill Rose. (it used to be quite often...)
  • I've had to walk to work lately, and it always ends up being the best 40 minutes of my day.
  • Ben is always on time picking me up from work, he's so punctual!
  • I know we've been living in this house for 3 months already but I'm still so incredibly happy to have FREE laundry and a backyard where we can let Rose out.
  • I am loving Wednesdays and Fridays because I don't work until 3 so I have the whole mornings to myself.
  • I felt the baby move for the first time last night, yay!
Well I think that is it for this week. My dad always says that the more you focus on the positive the easier it is to think of positive things, so hopefully with each week the list will get longer and longer!

Saturday, March 17, 2012

20 Week Update!

Wow, I can't believe we are halfway to having our baby. Time is flying by way too fast. I can't believe I've already been pregnant for a season already, and that there are less than two more to go! I think I'll try to update weekly on this pregnancy just so that I can look back on how everything changes. I'm already feeling so big! I have a couple categories that I'll try to fill in weekly, no promises but i'm going to try, so here goes!

Our cantaloupe is measuring 14cm long and 11ounces. He or she is in the 49th percentile, so about as average as they come. The baby was also measuring two days small which is apparently just excellent! I know all this because we had our 20 week ultrasound on Friday. It was so neat to see the babe suck on their little fingers and squirm around. The legs were tightly crossed right over top of 'the goods' so finding out the gender is out of the picture. I think we're ok with that. It will make it all the more exciting on the day of the birth!

Pregnancy Symptoms:
I don't really have any symptoms besides growing... still no movement, I'm sure it will be soon. I may have pulled an adductor (my groin) so walking around is slightly painful but that's not really pregnancy related.

Life Happenings:
Life has been busy but not overly interesting as of late. I'm working 6 days a week so pretty much any free time I have I'm either sleeping, eating, cleaning or enjoying some rare but quality time with friends.

Weekly Highlight:
Ben's basketball team, Victorious Secret just played in the finals for their division and WON!!!!! I am so proud of them! Ben scored three 3 point shots as well as some 2 point shots, he was ON FIRE! Next year they will be moving up 2 divisions and I can't wait to bring our little baby to all the games! Watching their games has definitely been a highlight of mine these last 4 months.

Here I am at 20 weeks feeling pretty large already

The team had an amazing fan turnout. Pretty impressive that the bleachers were packed for the
F division final!

It's about that time...

Well, I guess it's time to make an announcement! Ben and I will be welcoming a little human being into our lives sometime in early August! It's quite the shock and I can't say it's something I'm totally ready for, but I'm sure we'll adjust as things happen.

Here is the first belly picture, taken at 18 weeks

19 weeks

And the beautiful profile of our perfect little babe at 19+5weeks
I can't believe we're halfway to having a little baby with us. The last 4 1/2 months have gone by faster than ever and I can only imagine the next 4 1/2 will go by just as fast.

And here is a lovely shot of our current baby!