Life has been pretty crazy in these parts as of late. Two beautiful little girls were born, unexpectedly this past week. My sister-in-law and brother have been pregnant with twins due at the end of July, however she was extra high risk because of some complicated medical stuff and had to be watched extra carefully and had to go for ultrasounds weekly. Well, they went in for their ultrasound on Wednesday and were told that the twins had to come today! Off to the OR they went, and within minutes Taliana and Rayna Siemens were unceremoniously yanked from their home of 30 weeks and cried their first cries! I was so blessed to be able to go up to the NICU and meet my precious little nieces on their birthday. They are both incredibly small at roughly 3 pounds each, but are fighting hard and have been doing very well.
I have loved watching my brother become a dad and seeing him fall head over heals for his identical little girls makes my heart sing! He is such a good daddy. He goes up to the NICU every day and sings lullabies that he has written for his little gems. He brags about all of their accomplishments non-stop. His wife has been such a trouper with such a fast adjustment and watching her recover from her c-section is inspiring! She had to get used to the idea that her pregnancy was over prematurely in an instant and has done amazingly. She is doing so well and I'm so proud of her! The next couple months are going to be rough as every day will be taken up with multiple trips up to the NICU, pumping around the clock and mourning the fact that the babies aren't at home with Mom and Dad where they belong. My heart aches for my brother and his new family and yet I rejoice at this gift of life!
I'm so blessed to be auntie to these two little beauties, and I can't wait to get to know them better!