
Monday, July 4, 2011

The See-Saw Effect!

So today's post is selfish and petty but I should be posting what's on my mind, petty or not. Right? Ben and I have been frequenting the gym for roughly 4 months now. It's been good. I know I've gotten stronger and the scale has slowly been creeping it's way down, but right now all I can focus on is how slowly changes are taking place. Sure I'll lose a pound one week, then low and behold the next week I'm up 2. I'm so tempted to just grab the scale and throw it off the balcony....The truth is it's not the scale I should be blaming, it's me... I will be soooo good for a week, eating breakfast, drinking water, giving it my all at the gym and taking my vitamins, then I'll have one bad day and all of a sudden my good habits go straight out the window and I'm back to doing everything half-assed. I'm getting quite sick of my see-saw ways... How do I stick to something? How do I stay motivated? These are the questions eating my brain...Sorry for being a butt today, I'm not quite as down on myself as I sound, I really do have hope! Today after my workout I was already looking forward to tomorrow's, and my friend Allison has joined too so now I have someone to work out with! I'll let you know how it all turns out, I feel a change coming on!!!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Baby Rose!

We have a baby!
Meet Rose
And even though she poops and pee's on the floor I love her.